Window Manager for macOS

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Jan 15th, 2020

Github repositories

  • dgurkaynak/Penc

    Penc is a user-friendly window manager app for macOS that prioritizes trackpad usage over complex keyboard shortcuts. To activate Penc, simply double press and hold the Command Key (⌘). You can easily move the window by dragging it with two fingers and resize it by pinching with two fingers. Additionally, a fast swipe with two fingers snaps the window into halves or quarters. Installation options include using Homebrew or downloading the latest dmg file from the GitHub Releases page. Penc supports macOS High Sierra (10.13) and above. To resolve common issues with pinch to resize, ensure the "Zoom in or out" option is enabled in System Preferences > Trackpad > Scroll & Zoom.