Why Tailwind CSS is the Preferred Framework for Our Projects

Summary of my bookmarked links and Github repositories from Nov 17th, 2021


  • Why we use Tailwind CSS as our primary framework?

    Clean Commit, a development company, highlights the importance of selecting the right CSS framework for scalability and efficiency. They discuss their experience with various technologies and the challenges of standardizing implementations across projects. After experimenting with Bootstrap and custom solutions, they discovered Tailwind CSS, which allowed them to streamline their workflow and achieve visual consistency. While there was initial resistance and a learning curve, Tailwind ultimately improved code quality, collaboration with the design team, and project flexibility. Despite some drawbacks, Clean Commit highly recommends Tailwind for its time-saving and sanity-preserving benefits.

  • What my Stackoverflow addiction did to my career

    The author shares their journey of how they found validation and career opportunities through contributing to Stack Overflow. After arriving in the United States, they faced challenges with job offers and ended up unemployed for a month. Feeling low, they turned to Stack Overflow, initially seeking validation. As they started receiving upvotes and points for their answers, they became addicted to the platform. They would spend hours researching and providing answers, tying their self-worth to their internet points. Their dedication paid off as they gained knowledge and problem-solving skills, eventually securing job opportunities through Stack Overflow. However, the author now feels a change in their relationship with the platform and no longer finds the same excitement in answering questions.

  • Building Enterprise Web Applications With Monorepo Architecture

    Monorepo architecture is gaining popularity in modern software development, as it offers benefits such as scalability and code sharing. This article explains the advantages of monorepo, including atomic commits, a single dependency set, code collaboration, and painless version upgrades. It also introduces Nx devkit as a useful tool for building monorepos. With Nx, developers can easily manage and test applications, create shared libraries, and generate components. The article provides a step-by-step guide to creating an Nx workspace, Angular and React applications, and a shared library. Additionally, it mentions the ability to visualize dependencies and build applications efficiently using Nx commands.

  • 10 Mistakes I’ve Made in My Software Designs (Part 1 of 2)

    This article highlights common design mistakes in software development and provides recommendations to avoid them. The author emphasizes the importance of considering operational aspects, such as health indicators, quality forensics, and application performance monitoring, during the design phase. They also discuss the significance of accounting for hosting and licensing costs, emphasizing the need to forecast expenses and abstract third-party providers. Additionally, the article emphasizes the importance of testability, internationalization, and security in system design. The author encourages readers to contribute their own design mistakes for a follow-up article.

Github repositories

  • jaredpalmer/formik

    Formik.js is a React library that simplifies form building by eliminating complexity and providing a seamless experience. With its stable release, it offers blazing fast performance and a small gzip size. Formik.org provides resources and documentation to help developers get started. The website also lists various organizations and projects that utilize Formik. To contribute, users need to have yarn and Playwright installed. Formik is licensed under Apache 2.0 and welcomes contributions from the community. Additionally, it leverages TSDX, a zero-config CLI for TypeScript.