Unlocking PC-Wahl 10: Powerful Hacking Tools for Election Software Security

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Sep 8th, 2017

Github repositories

  • devio/Walruss

    Walruss PC-Wahl 10 Hacking Tools is a collection of programs designed for manipulating PC-Wahl 10, an election software used in election offices. These tools include PC-Wahl 10 Update Decryptor for extracting and building update packages, PC-Wahl 10 Password Decryptor for recovering secret passwords, PC-Wahl 10 Studio Patcher for swapping votes between parties, and Walruss RSA Data Signing for enhancing security. These tools were created by various authors, including Thorsten (THS) Schroeder and Martin Tschirsich, and are dated back to 2017.