Unleashing the Power of AI Tools Comparable to ChatGPT, Yet Underutilized

Summary of my bookmarked links, videos, and Github repositories from May 29th, 2023


  • Bye-bye ChatGPT: AI Tools As Good As ChatGPT (But Few People Are Using Them)

    Go beyond ChatGPT with these powerful AI tools. This article introduces four AI tools that offer additional features and customization options compared to ChatGPT. Auto-GPT enables the automation of ChatGPT by building autonomous AI agents. Playground allows further customization of ChatGPT's responses using parameters like temperature and frequency penalty. Jasper is tailored for business use cases, providing relevant content generation for marketing and sales. Quillbot is a paraphrasing tool that improves sentence fluency and offers modes like fluency, formal, and creative. Each tool offers unique advantages beyond ChatGPT.

  • Permissions (access control) in web apps

    The blog post provides an overview of access control in web applications and discusses various aspects of implementing it. It covers basic terms such as authentication, authorization, access control, and permissions. The post explains where permission checks are typically performed in a web app, including the frontend, backend (server), and database. It also explores common approaches to access control, such as RBAC (Role-Based Access Control), ABAC (Attribute-Based Access Control), and ReBAC (Relationship-Based Access Control). Additionally, the blog post mentions OWASP recommendations for access control and discusses the implementation of access control in practice.

  • React Modals Can Be Opened From useEffect Now!

    This article introduces a new approach to managing React modals using SOLID principles. It addresses the limitations of the commonly used library "react-modal" and presents an alternative solution called "react-modal-global." This library allows modals to be opened from the global scope, including from the useEffect hook. By passing a component and its props, developers have more control, maintainability, and adherence to React style and SOLID principles. The article emphasizes the benefits of eliminating boilerplate code, reducing component responsibilities, and enhancing flexibility in designing user interfaces.

  • DevOps, the Software “Jack”-Pot

    This article explores the evolution of roles in IT due to the adoption of Agile and DevOps frameworks. Previously, there were specialized roles for each phase of software development, but now many of these roles have been absorbed by the development team itself. The article highlights the disappearance of roles such as business analyst, data modeler, architect, database administrator, deployment team, tech support team, tester, backend developer, and frontend developer. While the Agile and DevOps approach empowers developers, it also places a greater burden of responsibility on them. The article emphasizes the importance of collaboration and individual contribution within a team and warns against relying on others to cover multiple roles.

  • Bye-bye useState & useEffect: Revolutionizing React Development!

    The useLoaderData hook in React is a custom hook that simplifies the process of loading data into components. It handles loading states and error handling, allowing you to separate data-loading logic from other component responsibilities. By providing a function that returns a Promise, the useLoaderData hook fetches the necessary data and makes it available to your component. This approach keeps your component code clean and organized, promoting better code organization and maintainability. Additionally, using the Loader API in react-router helps achieve similar functionality with minimal effort, providing loading state management, error handling, and separation of concerns.

  • How this company saved 160K$ using low-code instead of SaaS.

    This article narrates the author's experience of finding an alternative solution to Oracle Netsuite for a company facing challenges with managing sales orders using Excel. The author explores various no-code and low-code tools like Xano, Airtable, Google Sheets, AWS Dynamo DB, Retool, Supabase, WeWeb, Custom-made React, and Admin Forest. Eventually, they settle on Retool and Supabase for the project. The author describes the process of importing Excel files into Supabase, writing SQL queries in Retool, and creating an application screen for managing sales orders.


  • Beard Tutorial: How To Shape Your Neckline - A Balance Method #shorts #beard

    In this short tutorial video, the presenter demonstrates a balanced method for shaping your beard neckline. By using two fingers to mark a spot above the Adam's apple and at the ends of a comb, you can create reference points. Then, simply connect these marks to achieve a well-shaped neckline. This quick and easy technique provides a clear guideline for maintaining a groomed and polished beard appearance.

Github repositories

  • askblaker/k3s.rocks

    K3S.rocks is a personal project that provides a lightweight Kubernetes solution called K3S. It is easy to install, consumes less memory, and is contained within a binary file of less than 100 MB. Ideal for various scenarios such as Edge, IoT, CI, Development, ARM, and embedding Kubernetes, K3S offers a simplified alternative to self-hosting Kubernetes. It allows you to start with a single server cluster, deploy applications, and scale up easily by adding more servers. The website offers documentation and tools to efficiently use existing open-source products together.