Twelve-Factor App, Metric Time, Gene Transfer, and Cascadia Code

Summary of my bookmarked links, videos, and Github repositories from Oct 13th, 2023


  • The Twelve-Factor App

    The Twelve-Factor App is a methodology for building modern software-as-a-service applications. It emphasizes key principles: 1. **Declarative Setup**: Use declarative formats for setup automation to streamline developer onboarding. 2. **Clean Contract**: Maintain a clean contract with the operating system for portability. 3. **Cloud Deployment**: Designed for deployment on cloud platforms, eliminating server administration. 4. **Development Consistency**: Minimize differences between development and production environments for agile development. 5. **Scalability**: Scalability without major architecture changes. This methodology applies to apps in any programming language and using various backing services. The guide, compiled from extensive experience, targets developers and ops engineers deploying service-oriented applications. It breaks down these principles into twelve factors, offering best practices for application development.

  • Metric Time Clock

    Metric time, a system of time measurement that divides the day into 10 hours, offers a practical and intuitive alternative to traditional timekeeping. With 100 metric seconds in a metric minute, this approach simplifies time calculations, especially across various timezones. There's no need for AM or PM distinctions; you sleep for approximately 3.33 metric hours for a full night's rest. Transitioning to this system, where a metric hour is akin to a $100 bill and a metric minute to a $1 bill, equates time to money, offering a unique perspective on our daily allocation of time.


  • Methoden des Gentransfers - [Vektoren, Plasmide, Transformation] - [Gentechnik, 4/7]

    This video is part of a series on genetic engineering and focuses on gene transfer methods. It explains how genes, responsible for protein synthesis and various traits, can be transferred from one organism to another. To create genetically modified cells, vectors like bacterial plasmids or viruses are used. The desired gene is inserted into a vector, and through the use of restriction enzymes, the DNA is cut and recombined to create recombinant DNA. Plasmids have features that make them suitable for gene transfer, such as antibiotic resistance genes, and they can be modified for recognition by restriction enzymes. This is essential for the production of proteins like insulin. Viruses also play a significant role in gene therapy. The video briefly mentions direct methods of gene transfer, such as electroporation and particle bombardment.

Github repositories

  • microsoft/cascadia-code

    Cascadia Code is a coding font bundled with Windows Terminal and the default font in Visual Studio. It offers various font variants, including Cascadia Mono (without ligatures) and Cascadia (Code|Mono) PL (with Powerline symbols). It supports coding ligatures, arrow styles, and stylistic sets. You can enable these features in different applications. To install it, download the latest version from the GitHub releases page and install it for all users. Ensure you uninstall any previous versions for proper rendering. You can also get involved by modifying and submitting updates via GitHub or reaching out to the team on Twitter. This project follows the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.

  • TheRealJoelmatic/RemoveAdblockThing

    Remove the Adblock Popup from YouTube with ease using the daisyui userscript. This GitHub repository offers a solution to eliminate the annoying "Ad blocker are not allowed on Youtube" popup. To get started, install Tampermonkey and create a new script by copying and pasting the provided code. Once enabled, the script will automatically remove the popup, ensuring an uninterrupted YouTube experience. You can also contribute or report issues on the GitHub repository, which is licensed under the MIT License. Enjoy an ad-free YouTube experience hassle-free!