Transitioning to UUIDv7, Daft Punk's 'One More Time' Secrets, and Diagrams with Nomnoml

Summary of my bookmarked links, videos, and Github repositories from Oct 2nd, 2023


  • Goodbye integers. Hello UUIDs!

    This blog post discusses Buildkite's transition to using UUIDv7 as the primary key in their data storage, highlighting the advantages of UUIDs (Universally Unique Identifiers) over sequential integers. UUIDs offer distributed uniqueness without coordination, making them ideal for sharded databases. The article explains the challenges of non-time-ordered UUIDs, their impact on database performance, and the solution of using time-ordered UUIDs like UUIDv7. Buildkite's experiments with UUIDv4-compatible time-ordered UUIDs and their significant performance improvements are detailed. The benefits of UUIDv7 in terms of database performance, compatibility, and ease of transition are emphasized. Overall, it's a comprehensive exploration of UUIDs' role in improving Buildkite's data storage.


  • The Simple Trick that Made Daft Punk’s ‘One More Time’ an Infectious Hit | Sample Breakdown Extended

    "One More Time" by Daft Punk is a timeless dance hit from their album Discovery. This video breaks down the secrets behind its success. Daft Punk used a simple but effective technique of chopping chords, creating anticipation and release in the rhythm. This minimalistic approach made the track addictive. To find similar samples like Daft Punk did, you can use Tracklib's collections or search by genre, era, and bpm. It's a lesson in creating groovy, instantly recognizable dance classics with small, satisfying buildups.

  • Sample Breakdown: Daft Punk - One More Time

    This video provides a breakdown of Daft Punk's "One More Time." It delves into the art of sampling, showcasing how the iconic track was produced. No promotions included.

Github repositories

  • skanaar/nomnoml

    Nomnoml is a user-friendly tool for creating UML diagrams with a syntax that closely resembles the resulting diagrams. Created by Daniel Kallin and a team of contributors, it offers a JavaScript library for rendering diagrams on your web page with minimal dependencies, primarily relying on 'graphre.' Whether you choose npm or script inclusion, Nomnoml simplifies UML diagram generation, enhancing your web content with SVG output and intuitive diagrams.