TrackerReact and Collaborative Content with ProseMirror

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Apr 25th, 2016

Github repositories

  • faceyspacey/tracker-react

    TrackerReact is an upgrade to ReactMeteorData that eliminates the need to freeze all reactivity in a single method. With TrackerReact, reactive data sources used in the render method or by methods called by the render method are automatically reactive. It provides a standard helper experience similar to Meteor/Blaze. To make React components reactive, you can use TrackerReact in a composition, as a mixin, or as a decorator. The example app and source code can be found on GitHub. The profiler feature is available in the profiler branch and will be added in the final release of Meteor 1.3.

  • ProseMirror/prosemirror

    ProseMirror is a feature-rich semantic content editor that supports collaborative editing and custom document schemas. It is built on top of contentEditable and consists of several separate modules. The website provides comprehensive documentation, examples, and an MIT license for the code. For development purposes, the repository offers instructions on setting up a development environment using submodules, dependencies installation, and building. The repository also provides scripts for various tasks like rebuilding modules, watching changes, running tests, and more. The website includes links to a forum for discussion and support, as well as a GitHub bug tracker for issue reporting.