Traceo: Open-Source Application Monitoring Tool with Incident Capture and Performance Monitoring

Summary of my bookmarked links and Github repositories from Feb 20th, 2023


  • Acquisition Process

    The website provides a detailed view of the acquisition process followed by GitLab. The process consists of five key stages: Pipeline Building, Exploratory, Early Diligence, Confirmatory Due Diligence, and Integration. In the Pipeline Building stage, acquisition opportunities are sourced through various channels. The Exploratory stage involves introductory calls with potential target companies to assess compatibility. The Early Diligence stage includes preliminary assessments of product fit and budget considerations. The Confirmatory Due Diligence stage involves technical and financial evaluations, along with legal diligence. Finally, the Integration stage focuses on integrating the acquired company's product into GitLab.

  • Down the Cloudflare / Stripe / OWASP Rabbit Hole: A Tale of 6 Rabbits Deep 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰 🐰

    The author recounts a troubleshooting journey that led them through multiple layers of APIs and services to resolve an issue with failed API key upgrades. They discovered that the cause of the problem was a Cloudflare firewall rule triggered by an "Inbound Anomaly Score Exceeded." Further investigation revealed that the rule was part of the Cloudflare OWASP Core Ruleset, which helps identify anomalous traffic. The author suspects that a recent update to the rules triggered the issue and explores the payload logging feature to examine the actual payload that triggered the rule. Through this detailed exploration, they navigate various rabbit holes to gain a comprehensive understanding of the problem.

Github repositories

  • traceo-dev/traceo

    Traceo is a self-hosted, open-source toolset designed to monitor application health by gathering and consolidating data from the software. To utilize the Traceo platform, integration with the Traceo SDK is required. The README file of each SDK provides instructions on implementing the SDK in your software. Key features of Traceo include incident capture, logging analysis, metrics recording (such as CPU utilization and RAM usage), and performance monitoring through web-vitals data collection. Traceo encourages community engagement through the creation of issues or pull requests and operates under the Apache License, Version 2.0. For a complete installation guide, refer to the provided link.

  • FMInference/FlexGen

    FlexGen is a high-throughput generation engine designed to run large language models efficiently on limited GPU memory. It enables running language model inferences over millions of tokens in batches, making it suitable for throughput-oriented tasks such as benchmarking, information extraction, and data wrangling. FlexGen utilizes IO-efficient offloading, compression, and large effective batch sizes to achieve high throughput on low-cost hardware, like a single commodity GPU. However, it may be slower than systems with more powerful GPUs, especially for small-batch cases. FlexGen provides installation instructions, usage examples, performance results, and future roadmap plans.

  • trpc/trpc

    tRPC is a feature-rich tool that simplifies the creation and consumption of fully typesafe APIs without the need for schemas or code generation. It offers a well-tested and production-ready solution with excellent static typesafety and autocompletion on the client side. The tool is lightweight, dependency-free, and easy to integrate into existing projects. It supports subscriptions, request batching, and provides adapters for popular frameworks like React.js, Next.js, Express.js, and Fastify. Additionally, tRPC has gained significant popularity and is backed by various sponsors and contributors. Explore the full documentation on for more information.