The Leading Kubernetes CD Solution

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Jan 29th, 2019

Github repositories

  • fluxcd/flux

    Flux v1, the legacy version of Flux, has reached its end of life and has been replaced by fluxcd/flux2 and its controllers entirely. The Flux project, initially developed by Weaveworks, was open-sourced in 2016 and later donated to CNCF in 2019. Flux v2, launched in 2021, introduced significant enhancements, including multi-tenancy support, better observability, and improved security. Weaveworks also introduced Weave GitOps, a free and open-source web UI for Flux. Today, Flux is a widely trusted continuous delivery solution for Kubernetes, offered as a service by various vendors. The Flux team expresses gratitude to the supportive community.