Shazam Python Libraries and Proxy for Bypassing Paywalls

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Nov 7th, 2023

Github repositories

  • dotX12/ShazamIO

    This website provides code snippets and links to the Shazam Python library, which allows you to interact with Shazam's music recognition and information retrieval features. Here's a brief summary of the content: 1. **Installation**: This section provides instructions on how to install the Shazam Python library for music recognition. 2. **Recognize track**: A code snippet demonstrates how to recognize a track based on an audio file using the Shazam library. 3. **About artist**: This code example shows how to retrieve information from an artist's profile on Shazam using the library. 4. **About track**: Here, you can learn how to get information about a specific track on Shazam using the library. 5. **Track listenings count**: This code snippet helps you retrieve the number of times a particular song has been played. 6. **Similar songs**: Learn how to find similar songs based on a song ID with this code example. 7. **Search artists**: This code shows how to search for artists using the Shazam library. 8. **Search tracks**: Find tracks by searching with this code snippet. 9. **Top artist tracks**: Discover the top songs of an artist according to Shazam with this code example. 10. **Top tracks in city**: Retrieve information about the top tracks in a specific city using the library. 11. **Top tracks in country**: Get the best tracks by country code with this code snippet. 12. **Top tracks in country by genre**: This code helps you find the best tracks by genre in a specific country. 13. **Top tracks in the world by genre**: Discover world tracks by a certain genre with this code snippet. 14. **Top tracks in the world**: Find the best tracks from all over the world using this code example. 15. **How to use data serialization**: This section explains how to use data serialization with the Shazam library, making it easier to work with artist and track information. Overall, the website provides a comprehensive guide on how to use the Shazam Python library for various music-related tasks.

  • Numenorean/ShazamAPI

    GitHub Repository: ShazamAPI This GitHub repository, "ShazamAPI," is a project that fully reverse-engineered the Shazam API. It provides a Python library for recognizing songs using Shazam. You can install it using pip3 and also need to install ffmpeg and ffprobe. The repository offers instructions for usage, allowing you to recognize songs from an MP3 file. It credits the original project that inspired it. [Link to Repository]( This repository has 152 stars and 20 forks, making it a popular tool for song recognition.

  • kubero-dev/ladder

    Ladder is a self-hosted web proxy designed to bypass paywalls on various websites while upholding the principles of open access and information sharing. It offers features like removing CORS headers, applying domain-based rules, and providing options for customization. Users can access the web through a browser or API, and the tool can also fetch from Google Cache when necessary. However, some limitations may affect the display of images and formatting on certain sites due to their reliance on JavaScript or CSS. To maintain ethical usage, Ladder encourages enabling Basic Auth for public instances.

  • everywall/ladder

    Ladder is a self-hosted web proxy inspired by and, aiming to bypass paywalls while emphasizing the importance of preserving information access. Features include paywall circumvention, CORS header removal, domain-based rulesets, API access, and more. It offers multiple deployment options like binaries, Docker, and Helm. Be cautious about public accessibility to prevent misuse. The tool, intended for educational purposes, prioritizes freedom of information and open society principles. Check its limitations for certain site compatibility. Install and use responsibly. [GitHub Repository](