Serve Static Content from CDN with Nitrolabs/meteor-cdn: Installation, Configuration, and Features Explained

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Mar 2nd, 2016

Github repositories

  • Nitrolabs/meteor-cdn

    Meteor-CDN is a package that enables you to serve static content from a CDN like CloudFlare or CloudFront. It modifies the domain of bundled CSS and JS files to match the CDN_URL environment variable. If the CDN_URL is not present, the default behavior remains unchanged. The package also provides features such as loading Meteor resources from the CDN, a template helper for accessing the CDN_URL in templates, modifying headers for caching public files, handling webfont headers, and ensuring proper 404 handling. Detailed installation guides are available for different deployment setups like MUP and Galaxy. The package is licensed under MIT.