Optimize Coding Flow

Summary of my bookmarked links and Github repositories from Jan 23rd, 2024


  • How to get in the flow while coding (and why it’s important)

    Achieving the flow state, a state of deep focus and immersion, enhances developer productivity and well-being. Originating from positive psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, the flow state involves nine dimensions, including challenge-skills balance and total concentration. Benefits for developers include improved collaboration, leading to better test coverage, faster code writing, and novel solutions. To enter the flow state, developers can optimize their environment, map out their work, and find joy in their tasks. GitHub Copilot and effective collaboration tools can assist in overcoming challenges, promoting a dynamic and productive work en

Github repositories

  • rajnandan1/kener

    Kener: Status Page System (GitHub Repo)Kener is an open-source Node.js status page tool, simplifying service monitoring and incident management. With a user-friendly interface, real-time monitoring, and GitHub integration, it fosters collaborative issue tracking and resolution. Offering customizable pages, automated incident handling, and various deployment options, Kener ensures seamless tracking of service outages. Its features include time zone handling, accessibility, badge generation, and support for custom domains. Built on SvelteKit and shadcn-svelte, Kener draws inspiration from Upptime and plans future enhancements like notifications and MySQL adapter integration.GitHub Repository Stars: Awesome status page🔗 Visit live server📖 Read documentation

  • starship/starship

    Starship – Cross-shell promptStarship is a blazing-fast, highly customizable cross-shell prompt suitable for any operating system. Its speed, universal compatibility, and intelligent display of relevant information make it a feature-rich tool supporting various favorite utilities. Installation is quick and easy, with comprehensive guides for different operating systems. Starship encourages contributions and offers customization options, making it an efficient and visually appealing shell prompt. Explore the documentation for configuration details and presets. Join the community on Discord, and consider contributing to this ISC-licensed project. 🚀Explore Starship