Open-source Solutions for Commerce and Meteor Apps with Docker

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Feb 9th, 2015

Github repositories

  • reactioncommerce/reaction

    Mailchimp Open Commerce (formerly Reaction Commerce) is an open-source, API-first, and headless commerce platform. Built using Node.js, MongoDB, and GraphQL, it offers fast returns, scalability, and flexibility. With its multi-tenant capability, you can host multiple shops within a single installation. It supports customizable products, inventory tracking, shipping integration, taxes, and fulfillment methods. The platform provides an admin system to manage orders and customizable email templates. Mailchimp Open Commerce is fully open source, allowing you to avoid vendor lock-in. It offers a CLI for quick development and comprehensive documentation for getting started.

  • meteorhacks/meteord

    MeteorD is a Docker runtime for Meteor apps that offers two main methods of usage. The first method involves building a Docker image for your app using the `meteorhacks/meteord:onbuild` base image. This allows you to easily run your app as a Docker image. The second method is running a Meteor bundle with Docker. MeteorD supports bundles from both local mounts and the web. Additionally, there are instructions for using Docker Compose to start a Meteor container with a Mongo container. The post also provides guidance on rebuilding binary npm modules and mentions known issues such as Spiderable not working and a workaround for starting containers on Joyent's Triton infrastructure.