Open Mobility Data Catalogs

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Oct 10th, 2022

Github repositories

  • MobilityData/mobility-database-catalogs

    The Mobility Database Catalogs provide a comprehensive list of open mobility data sources worldwide. It includes information about the sources' data formats, features, status, location, and URLs. You can easily browse and consume the sources by downloading the CSV spreadsheet or filter them based on specific criteria. The architecture of the catalog consists of catalogs, tools, and schemas. The GTFS Schedule Schema and GTFS Realtime Schema are used to validate the sources. Installation requires Python 3.9+ and GDAL and RTree libraries. To use the catalog, you can retrieve sources by subdivision name, country code, bounding box, feature, or status. The project follows integration tests and is licensed under Apache 2.0 and Creative Commons CC0. Contributions are welcome.