Neapolitan Pizza Recipe

Summary of my bookmarked videos and Github repositories from Mar 8th, 2017


  • Pizza Napoletana - Teil 1 - Teig Zubereitung

    In this video, the host shares his passion for making authentic Neapolitan pizza. He discusses the challenges he faced in achieving the perfect pizza and introduces his pizza oven, capable of reaching temperatures up to 450 degrees Celsius. He demonstrates the process of preparing the dough using ingredients such as Caputo flour, salt, yeast, and water. After kneading the dough, he lets it rest for two hours before forming individual portions. He also mentions the importance of using San Marzano tomatoes and high-quality olive oil as toppings. The dough is left to ferment for several hours or even up to two days for enhanced flavor.

  • Neapolitan pizza recipe: pizza Margherita by Enzo Coccia

    Enzo Coccia, owner of "La Notizia" pizzeria in Naples, shares the secrets of crafting an authentic Neapolitan pizza. The simple ingredients include water, salt, yeast, and the right amount of flour. Enzo demonstrates the dough preparation, emphasizing the desired firmness and workability. He explains the technique of Neapolitan kneading, stretching the dough evenly. The final step involves adding San Marzano tomato, buffalo milk mozzarella, fresh basil, and pecorino or parmesan cheese as toppings. The pizza is baked to perfection, resulting in a delicious, aromatic, and light Neapolitan Margherita pizza.

Github repositories

  • grayleonard/xvfb-record

    Xvfb Headless Desktop Recording is a program that utilizes Xvfb, a headless Xserver, to launch GUI programs. By employing ffmpeg and x11grab, it can stream the framebuffer to an RTMP endpoint, such as The program showcases an example of automating streaming of Netflix and Hulu videos using selenium, a browser testing software. The necessary packages for this setup are Xvfb, ffmpeg, selenium, and google-chrome. To run the program, execute the command "python -s netflix -u username -p password -i 1337," where you can specify the site (netflix or hulu), username, password, and video ID.

  • conventional-changelog-archived-repos/validate-commit-msg

    validate-commit-msg is a binary that functions as a githook to validate commit messages. It ensures that your commit message follows a specific format, including a type, scope (optional), and subject. The module can be installed via npm and integrated into your project's devDependencies. Configuration options, such as allowed commit types and scope requirements, can be specified in either a .vcmrc file or the package.json file. The tool also supports CI integration for validating the last commit message. It originated from the angular.js project and has been contributed to by several individuals.

  • typicode/husky

    Husky is a modern tool for Git hooks in Node.js. It enhances your commits and offers various use cases, including support for projects in sub-directories and CI integration. To install Husky, modify your package.json file and run the prepare script. You can then add hooks using the provided commands. Husky's documentation provides more information on its features and upgrading from v4 to v8. The project is licensed under MIT and welcomes both company and individual sponsors.