Mouthwatering Grilled 2kg Mangalitza KRUSTENSTEAK by Klaus grillt - A Mega Kruste Delight!

Summary of my bookmarked videos from Apr 5th, 2019


  • MEGA KRUSTE 2kg Mangalitza KRUSTENSTEAK grillen --- Klaus grillt

    In this video, Klaus demonstrates how to grill a delicious 2kg Mangalitza pork steak with a perfect crust. He seasons the meat with salt and lets it rest for one and a half hours at a temperature of around 170 degrees Celsius. Afterward, he increases the temperature to create a golden crust on the steak. Klaus then carves the meat and reveals a mouthwatering result. Overall, this video provides a step-by-step guide to grilling a large steak with a flavorful crust.