Monitor Trump's Tweets, Execute Trades & Get Real-Time Summaries with Trump2Cash Python Bot

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Feb 12th, 2017

Github repositories

  • maxbbraun/trump2cash

    Trump2Cash is a Python bot that monitors Donald Trump's tweets for mentions of publicly traded companies. Using sentiment analysis, it determines the sentiment of Trump's opinions toward these companies and automatically executes trades on relevant stocks based on the expected market reaction. The bot tweets real-time summaries of its findings at @Trump2Cash. The bot utilizes various APIs, such as Twitter Streaming, Google Cloud Natural Language, Wikidata Query Service, and TradeKing API for entity detection, sentiment analysis, company data, and stock trading, respectively. Detailed instructions are provided for running the code and setting up authentication.

  • pinout-xyz/ is a successor to the Pi pinout website and serves as a comprehensive resource for Raspberry Pi GPIO interfaces and add-on boards. The project aims to maintain a consistent workflow, gather valuable information, and encourage board manufacturers to contribute their own "overlay" files. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, allowing translations and tool development while excluding certain graphics and board photography. Users can report issues, make suggestions, contribute boards, or provide translations through GitHub. The project also has a roadmap for future improvements, including HTML redesign and expanded board support.