Money, Worry, and Business Strategies Explored

Summary of my bookmarked links from Jun 23rd, 2023


  • Money Is the Megaphone of Identity

    The article explores the concept of the Money Spectrum, which represents the different phases of our relationship with money. The first phase, Survival, is characterized by the fear of not having enough money to meet basic needs. In this phase, money is viewed as a means of survival and security. The second phase, Freedom, focuses on using money to create a desired lifestyle and enjoy leisure activities. However, the article suggests that relying solely on money for freedom can be asymmetrical and lead to unhappiness. The article highlights the importance of shifting our perspective on money and realizing that it is a tool to amplify our values and live a purposeful life.

  • The Nothingness of Money

    The article explores the concept of the "Nothingness of Money" and its relationship to life and death. It discusses how money is an essential pursuit during life but becomes pointless upon death. The author highlights the importance of reflecting on mortality to truly understand the insignificance of money. The article introduces the idea of retirement as a tool to extend the period where money doesn't dominate one's thoughts. It also mentions the FIRE movement, which aims for early retirement. The author cautions against obsessive focus on money and emphasizes the need to live a meaningful life beyond financial concerns.

  • How to Beat Worry

    This article explores the nature of worry and offers a framework to address it. The author discusses how worry stems from the fear of uncertainty and how simply being aware of worry is not enough to overcome it. They describe the worrier's thought process, where concerns lead to bleak thoughts, resulting in a feedback loop of worry. To break this loop, the author introduces the Three D's framework: make a decision, do nothing for 24 hours, and then decide again. By providing a game plan for each option, the author suggests that self-compassion and patience are key to addressing worry.

  • 4 mistakes to avoid to build a better 1-person business

    Finding the right business for solo-founders or small teams is crucial for growth and success. Avoiding businesses that require massive user numbers or low prices is essential. Network effects are challenging to create when working alone, and competing with well-funded companies is unrealistic. Instead, target businesses that are willing to spend money on growth and have allocated budgets. Selling B2B allows for higher prices and easier sales. Choosing a smaller market where you can be the dominant player increases your chances of success. Focus on niche communities, specialized newsletters, or industry-specific agencies. By thinking smaller and charging higher, you can build a thriving business.

  • How to make a QR code with Stable Diffusion

    This tutorial introduces how to generate artistic QR codes using Stable Diffusion. The process involves using a custom-trained ControlNet model and a QR code generator. The guide provides step-by-step instructions on selecting a QR code, generating the image, and decorating it with Stable Diffusion. Tips are also given for improving success rates, such as using shorter text and adjusting parameters. The tutorial concludes with examples of other prompts for creating different artistic images using Stable Diffusion.

  • Bridging the gap between neural networks and functions

    This article provides a guide for software engineers to understand neural networks and their interpretability. It emphasizes the importance of comprehending AI models for engineers who may need to explain model outputs or implement AI systems. The article explains that neural networks are not inherently human-interpretable and introduces the concept of backpropagation as a key technique in training neural networks. It describes the chain rule and its application in calculating derivatives in composite functions, highlighting its relevance in neural networks. The article also discusses the decomposition of large functions and the ability to determine the impact of weights and biases on model outputs.