Minecraft Bots, React Native for macOS, and GitHub Concerns

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Jan 17th, 2016

Github repositories

  • PrismarineJS/mineflayer

    Mineflayer is a powerful JavaScript API that allows you to create Minecraft bots. It provides support for various Minecraft versions and offers features such as entity and block knowledge, physics and movement handling, inventory management, crafting, digging, and building. The API also includes miscellaneous functionalities like health monitoring and weather tracking. Mineflayer has an extensive documentation, tutorials, and examples to help you get started. It can be used with Node.js and is also compatible with Python. Additionally, Mineflayer offers various plugins for advanced functionalities like pathfinding, inventory viewing, and PvP interactions. The project is actively maintained and has a large user base. It is released under the MIT license.

  • ptmt/react-native-macos

    The React Native macOS project, previously known as react-native-desktop, allows developers to create macOS desktop applications using React Native. However, it is important to note that the project is no longer actively maintained. An alternative option is the Microsoft version of React Native for Windows, which can also be used on Catalyst. For further discussions and proposals, refer to the react-native-community GitHub repository.

  • dear-github/dear-github

    In an open letter, frustrated maintainers of popular projects express their dissatisfaction with the lack of response and visibility from GitHub. They highlight issues such as missing crucial information in filed issues, content-less "+1" comments, and disregard for contribution guidelines. The maintainers suggest implementing custom fields and issue templates, a voting system for issues, and configurable display options for contribution guidelines. GitHub acknowledges the concerns, apologizes for the delay, and promises upcoming improvements to address these issues, along with initiatives to enhance communication and gather feedback.