Meteor Debugging, GIF Screencasting and More

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Feb 3rd, 2015

Github repositories

  • prasadKodeInCloud/meteor-client-debugger

    The Client-Debugger Smart Package is a debugging tool for Meteor apps that allows developers to easily debug client-side code. It eliminates the need to manually add breakpoints or console logs by providing features such as logging rendered templates, called template helpers, and triggered template events. Additionally, it enables the calculation of total loading time for helpers and provides a view for helpers reload count. The package includes a UI mode with a "Debugger" button for easy access to debugging information. To install, simply add the package using the command "meteor add prasad19sara:client-debugger" and enable the debug mode in your app's top-level JavaScript file. Overall, it's a useful tool for simplifying client-side debugging in Meteor apps.

  • tckmn/mkcast

    mkcast is an obsolete tool for creating GIF screencasts of a terminal, with overlaid key presses. The developer no longer maintains it and recommends using the rewritten version called xscast instead. xscast aims to be compatible with any desktop environment, using a dzen2 box to display keys. Unlike mkcast, it does not rely on moving windows and has no external Python dependencies. It is entirely written in Bash and offers improved functionality. To use mkcast, you need dependencies like wmctrl and byzanz-record, and it has been tested on GNOME on Ubuntu.

  • meteorhacks/meteor-down

    MeteorDown is a load testing tool for Meteor server-side components. It uses the DDP protocol to communicate with the Meteor application. You can write your load test in JavaScript and let MeteorDown invoke it. With the MeteorDown script, you can call methods and invoke subscriptions using APIs such as and Meteor.subscribe. It also supports authentication for invoking methods and subscriptions meant for logged-in users. You can specify the concurrency, application URL, authentication key, and other options when running the load test. Additionally, you can use custom Node modules by setting the NODE_PATH environment variable. Examples of calling methods and subscribing are provided as well.

  • meteorhacks/sikka

    Sikka is an application-level firewall for Meteor apps that can detect and block malicious users. It offers features such as DDP rate limiting and human verification through captcha support. You can customize the rate limits, block duration, and captcha settings based on your needs. Sikka also supports a "Humans Only" mode to reject DDP requests and require human verification. It is compatible with various deployment methods but has known issues with Meteor Up's SSL terminator, which will be fixed soon. To use Sikka, simply install the package and configure the settings.

  • yahoo/webseclab

    Webseclab is a comprehensive web security testing resource that includes a collection of sample test cases and a toolkit for creating new ones. It serves multiple purposes such as testing security scanners, reproducing and analyzing issues, and facilitating discussions on web security bugs. To get started, install the latest stable version of Go and set the GOPATH environment variable. You can run the tests using the provided commands and explore various scenarios of reflected XSS and DOM XSS attacks. Additionally, the guide explains how to modify and add new tests to the toolkit.