JavaScript WebKit Port

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Nov 26th, 2015

Github repositories

  • trevorlinton/webkit.js

    "webkit.js" is a JavaScript port of WebKit, designed for both node.js and browsers. It aims to provide a renderer in pure JavaScript with support for WebGL/Canvas contexts. The project also focuses on developing frameworks for image/webpage capturing, automated web testing (similar to PhantomJS), and prototyping CSS filters, HTML elements, and attributes. Currently available for contributors and testers, it is not recommended for production or beta environments. The project supports the entire HTML5, CSS3, and SVG rendering, with some unsupported features like encrypted media and native OS widgets.

  • eLtMosen/FreakXoHBingo

    "FreakXoHBingo" is a bingo game played during live broadcasts on Participants can strategically redistribute buzzwords on their bingo cards using the "m" key or the shuffle button. Unwanted buzzwords can be excluded from the next shuffle by marking them in red on the table. There is currently no limit on the number of bingo cards, browsers, or prints per participant. When a buzzword is mentioned in the chat during the live broadcast, it becomes valid and is marked on the card. Bingos are declared in the chat and shared for amusement via Twitter posts with screenshots or photos of printed cards. Points are awarded for bingos (number of buzzwords * 10) to determine the chat's winner. Planned features include probabilistic release of buzzwords based on user clicks, tagging and exclusion of buzzwords for non-participants, share function for hashed bingo cards, displaying hashed bingo cards through incoming links, synchronized multiplayer with verifiable winners for prize distribution, and complex game modes with multiple aggregated bingos and monthly winners. The installation instructions for the project and server are also provided. Credit is given to Lukas Havemann for contributing various features and improvements to the code, including independent resizing of the card, code restructuring, partial HTML generation through JS, and a new shuffle function. Some graphics are based on the PDF card by ePirat.