Improve Node.js Performance with Promise Pool

Summary of my bookmarked links from May 2nd, 2023


  • Promise Pool or How to Improve the Performance of Node.js

    The Promise Pool pattern in Node.js allows for efficient utilization of the main thread by scheduling async tasks without waiting for the slowest request to finish. It enables controlling service throughput, managing load on downstream services, improving application performance, and reducing CPU idle time. By implementing Promise Pool, processing a batch of 1000 records in chunks of 50 records simultaneously was around 40% faster compared to using Promise.all. This pattern is beneficial for processing multiple records concurrently and optimizing rate-limiting to downstream services, enhancing overall application performance.

  • Why Scrum Fails

    The article discusses the discrepancies between the Scrum process defined in the Scrum Guide and how it is actually implemented in organizations. It highlights that many organizations adopt Scrum but remove crucial elements, resulting in a diluted version that fails to deliver the intended benefits. The importance of having cross-functional teams and delivering valuable increments every sprint is emphasized. The article also addresses the role of self-management and the resistance from managers who may perceive agility as a threat. It concludes by suggesting that continuous delivery has made Scrum obsolete and proposes exploring agility beyond Scrum.

  • Never ask for a raise or a promotion

    The article discusses three main reasons why bosses discuss salary and how to increase the chances of receiving a raise. The first reason is fear of losing valuable employees, particularly in the IT industry where finding suitable candidates is challenging. Trust is another important factor, earned by demonstrating reliability and the ability to handle pressure. The article emphasizes the importance of showcasing one's work and value without appearing needy. By continually improving skills, learning, and effectively interacting with colleagues, individuals can increase their chances of obtaining a raise or finding better job opportunities. Overall, the article highlights the significance of personal growth and understanding human dynamics in achieving professional success.

  • All Software Estimates are Lies

    Software development is often a cycle of rapid experiments, as developers tackle novel problems and search for solutions. Estimating the time required to solve these problems is challenging due to the unpredictable nature of software development. Estimates provided by developers are often inaccurate and can lead to missed deadlines and project failures. Instead of relying on traditional contract negotiation and big design up-front, businesses can embrace an agile approach that emphasizes customer collaboration and small, iterative bets. By forming cross-functional teams and delivering working vertical slices of a product, organizations can respond to changes and achieve transparency without the need for unreliable estimates.

  • My “3D” Eating Approach Can Help You Transform Your Physique and Life

    This article discusses a 3-dimensional approach to eating that has transformed the author's relationship with food. The approach includes fixed eating (eating the same meals every day), variable eating (allowing room for spontaneity and indulgence), and extended fasting (not eating anything for 24-36 hours once a week). The author explains the benefits of this approach, including simplifying food choices, developing a healthy relationship with food, and facilitating fat loss. They argue that extended fasting is superior to chronic caloric restriction for fat loss, as it preserves muscle mass, makes fat loss easier, and maintains the basal metabolic rate. The article also touches on the benefits of having a fixed diet, such as reducing decision fatigue and ensuring adherence to nutritional goals.