Explore Web-Based Live Coding with Gibber

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Jan 4th, 2015

Github repositories

  • gibber-cc/gibber

    Gibber is a web-based live coding environment that combines music synthesis, sequencing, and ray-marching 3D graphics. With Gibber, you can create interactive experiences without the need for installation. To run Gibber locally, you can use either Visual Studio Code or Node.js. In Visual Studio Code, install the Live Server extension, open the playground folder, and click "Go Live" to start the server. With Node.js, clone the Gibber repository, install the required modules, and run the server. Additionally, the repository includes three main components: gibber.audio.lib, gibber.graphics.lib, and gibber.core.lib. You can build the editor and libraries by executing the appropriate npm commands.