Explore Open-Source Tools for Video Analysis, Audiobook Manipulation, and Transmission Control

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Sep 4th, 2019

Github repositories

  • mtszkw/foosball

    Foosball is an open-source application designed for processing and analyzing video recordings of table soccer games. Created by students for academic purposes, it utilizes Aruco markers to detect the table, track the ball, and identify red and blue players. The application also incorporates a scoring system based on ball motion and position. To use Foosball, you'll need a C++17 compiler, OpenCV version 3.4.1, and CMake version 3.10.0 or higher. After building the project, an executable binary file will require a JSON configuration file for operation. The website provides a demonstration video and screenshots showcasing different stages of processing.

  • sandreas/m4b-tool

    m4b-tool is a versatile command-line tool that serves as a wrapper for ffmpeg and mp4v2. It allows you to merge, split, and manipulate audiobook files with chapters. While its primary focus is on m4b files, it supports various audio formats like mp3, aac, ogg, alac, and flac. The tool also offers the option to donate and support the developer via GitHub sponsors. It provides detailed usage instructions, including installation with Nix and best practices for organizing and converting audiobooks. Additionally, an alternative tool called "tone" is mentioned, but m4b-tool remains actively developed.

  • pyed/transmission-telegram

    "transmission-telegram" is a convenient tool that allows you to manage your Transmission BitTorrent client using Telegram. To get started, you can either download the appropriate binary for your operating system and add it to your system's PATH, or if you have Go installed, use the command "go get -u github.com/pyed/transmission-telegram." The tool provides various usage options, and there is also a Docker-based installation route available. You can find further instructions and examples in the project's Wiki and Docker-compose files.