Experience the Electric Vibes of rrräuber&räuskopp: crrra Session #2.

Summary of my bookmarked videos from Jan 13th, 2022


  • rrräuber&räuskopp: crrra session #2

    "Räuber & Räuskopp: Crrra Session #2" is a video showcasing moments from the past few months. Ingo and Merlin present a lively evening in their hometown, filled with music and celebration. The video features vibrant visuals and energetic performances, inviting viewers to indulge in the joyful aspects of life.

  • rrräuber&räuskopp: crrra session #1

    In this video titled "Räuber&Räuskopp: Crrra Session #1," Paul Knop and Joey Loose take us through their transformative journey over the past few months. Through a series of short videos, they depict a rough morning with a cheerful resolution, promising more to come. The video features lively music and visuals, creating a mysterious and captivating atmosphere. Although the content is primarily visual and auditory, it offers an intriguing glimpse into their evolving lives. You can find the set on SoundCloud for a complete experience.