Enhance User Experience with PleaseWait.js & TheaterJS Typing Animation Library

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Jan 14th, 2015

Github repositories

  • Pathgather/please-wait

    PleaseWait.js is a user-friendly library that displays an attractive splash page to keep users engaged while your application loads. The library offers a simple and effective way to enhance user experience during the loading process. You can find detailed documentation and a demo of PleaseWait.js on their website. Pathgather, an NYC-based startup, focuses on creating a learning platform that integrates employees, training content, and existing enterprise systems. They actively participate in open-source software development and offer opportunities to join their expanding team. Contact them at [email protected] for further information.

  • zhouzi/TheaterJS

    TheaterJS is a typing animation library that mimics human behavior. It offers features such as variable speed, callbacks, HTML support, and more. If you're looking for a minimalist version with basic play/stop functionality, there's a demo available on CodePen. To get started, you create a new TheaterJS object with options like autoplay, locale, minSpeed, and maxSpeed. You can add actors to the animation and define their accuracy and speed. The library provides methods for adding scenes, playing, stopping, and replaying the animation. It also supports event callbacks and localized keyboards.