Effortlessly Rename and Organize macOS Spaces with Spaces Renamer, Spaceman, and Amethyst

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Aug 5th, 2022

Github repositories

  • dado3212/spaces-renamer

    Spaces Renamer is an application and SIMBL plugin that enables you to rename your spaces effortlessly. It supports multiple monitors and provides an outline to highlight the current space on each monitor. This solution offers a free alternative to TotalSpaces, avoiding unnecessary features. To install Spaces Renamer, download MacForge (or mySIMBL) and ensure it is properly installed, disable SIP (System Integrity Protection), download the Spaces Renamer file, unzip it, and install the spaces-renamer.bundle using MacForge. Restart the Dock application, run the SpacesRenamer application, and move it to /Applications. Finally, click 'Update Names' in the top bar icon. Donations are welcome but not obligatory.

  • Jaysce/Spaceman

    Spaceman is a macOS application that provides a convenient way to view and organize virtual desktops, or "Spaces," from the menu bar. Compatible with macOS 11 Big Sur and later, Spaceman allows users to easily identify their current space among multiple displays and customize spaces with names. The application offers four styles for displaying spaces, including rectangles, numbers, rectangles with numbers, and named spaces. Users can also modify space names and icons in the preferences menu. Spaceman is inspired by WhichSpace and utilizes tools like Sparkle for updates and LaunchAtLogin for startup convenience. Keyboard shortcuts are available for refreshing icons manually.

  • ianyh/Amethyst

    Amethyst is a tiling window manager designed for macOS, similar to xmonad. It enhances productivity by allowing efficient window organization and management. To learn more about Amethyst and its features, you can find helpful community resources on YouTube. Amethyst can be downloaded directly from the releases page or installed using Homebrew cask. Keep in mind that it requires macOS 10.15 or later. Accessibility permissions must be granted for Amethyst to use the accessibility APIs. Some common troubleshooting tips are available, and the window manager offers various keyboard shortcuts for layout manipulation and window navigation.