Efficiently Create and Test Custom React Hooks with Enzyme and React Hooks Testing Library

Summary of my bookmarked links from Oct 23rd, 2022


  • Create and Test Custom React Hooks

    This article explains how to set up Next.js, TypeScript, Jest, and the React Testing Library to use and test custom Hooks in React. It discusses the advantages of React Hooks over ES6 classes and previous approaches like Render Props and High Order Components. The tutorial covers creating a basic app with Next.js and TypeScript, refactoring the app to encapsulate logic in a custom render Hook, and using a library to test the custom Hook. It provides step-by-step instructions and code examples to help developers implement and test Hooks effectively. Overall, the article emphasizes the benefits of using Hooks for better code organization and reusability.

  • React Hooks: Test custom hooks with Enzyme

    Testing React components involves two strategies: testing user observable behavior and testing implementation details. User observable behavior tests focus on how the component is rendered, re-rendered, and how props/state affect the rendered output. On the other hand, implementation details tests focus on the internal state logic, initialization, and state changes. When testing custom hooks, which contain only state logic, it's crucial to test implementation details thoroughly. To test custom hooks, they need to be wrapped inside a React component. Enzyme's shallow rendering can be used to test the behavior of custom hooks by accessing them as props of a wrapper component.

  • Test Custom Hooks Using React Hooks Testing Library

    The article discusses the installation and usage of React Hooks Testing Library, a tool for testing custom hooks in React. It explains the packages required for testing custom hooks and how to render React components using Test Renderer. The article introduces the renderHook API and its options, such as initialProps and wrapper. It provides examples of how to use renderHook to test custom hooks and highlights the importance of using the act API for handling state updates. The article also covers testing hooks that utilize global context and includes examples of testing async hooks and reducers. Overall, the React Hooks Testing Library is presented as a valuable tool for testing custom hooks in React applications.