Effective UI Animations, Obsidian and more

Summary of my bookmarked links, videos, and Github repositories from Feb 11th, 2023


  • Your UI isn’t a Disney Movie

    The article discusses the importance of restraint in UI animation and provides recommendations for its effective use. It emphasizes the need for animation to serve the end user and not hinder the user experience. The author suggests scenarios where animation can be beneficial and shares principles for UI motion design, such as justifying each animation's benefit and avoiding excessive use of complex easing. Several UI examples are provided, including notification animations and card expansion, highlighting the significance of hierarchy and conveying information effectively. The article concludes by emphasizing functional animation over purely aesthetic animation and valuing users' time.

  • Top 2 Reasons Why I Moved From Notion to Obsidian as a Software Developer

    The author discusses their preference for VIM-based text editors and the limitations they encountered while using Notion for note-taking. They highlight the importance of fast typing, offline mode, and effective formatting. The author introduces Obsidian as a solution, praising its offline mode and built-in VIM support. They also mention the need for code blocks with syntax highlighting, which is lacking in many note-taking apps. The article concludes by emphasizing the author's satisfaction with Obsidian's features and their belief that it fulfills their essential needs as a developer.

  • CTO Checklist

    This blog post discusses the responsibilities of a "Head Of" role, specifically focusing on the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) position. The author provides a high-level checklist for CTO responsibilities, covering various aspects such as team development, personal growth, executive collaboration, delegation, culture, networking, processes (including hiring and scaling), getting things done, budgeting, technology, security, compliance, testing, developer productivity, and staying updated with industry trends. The author emphasizes the importance of starting small, delegating tasks, and surrounding oneself with knowledgeable individuals. The checklist serves as a valuable resource for those assuming new leadership roles in the engineering field.

  • The Experience Tax

    The article discusses the concept of the "Experience Tax" that Black women in tech often face. The author shares their personal experience of having to navigate racism and sexism at multiple companies throughout their career, resulting in constantly starting over and dealing with various challenges. They highlight the additional time and energy marginalized individuals must invest in overcoming these obstacles compared to their privileged counterparts. The author emphasizes the importance of self-advocacy and creating inclusive cultures within tech institutions to address this issue.

  • I Used To Work At Google. Now I Flip Burgers.

    After being recruited by Google, the author joined the company's internal incubator called Area 120. However, the team and the incubator were eventually shut down, resulting in the author losing their job. They reflect on their experience at Google, expressing admiration for the company but also highlighting issues such as the handling of low performers. Following their job loss, the author faced personal difficulties, including a divorce and financial struggles. They now work at McDonald's, flipping burgers and adapting to their new reality after leaving Google.

  • I Automated Daily Standups for Developers

    Gitinerary is a tool that simplifies daily standup meetings by tracking developers' progress in real-time. By listening to commit activity on a chosen repository, Gitinerary generates a chronological timeline and allows filtering by team members. The timeline serves as a foundation for daily standups, providing a clear overview of tasks completed by each developer. It also facilitates building a community by allowing users to share their timelines, fostering engagement with customers.


  • Brazilian Lemonade

    In this short video, learn how to make the perfect Brazilian lemonade. Start by slicing three limes and blending them with cold water. Strain the mixture and return it to the blender, adding sweetened condensed milk and a handful of ice. For extra sweetness, sugar can be added if desired. Whether you call it Brazilian or Swiss lemonade, this creamy and flavorful beverage is refreshingly perfect.

  • Homemade Coconut Milk From Fresh Coconut or Shredded Coconut

    This video demonstrates how to make homemade coconut milk with either fresh coconut or shredded coconut. The narrator explains the process for preparing coconut milk with fresh coconut, including selecting a ripe coconut, breaking the shell, and extracting the milk by blending the coconut flesh with hot water. The milk is then filtered, and the cream rises to the surface after resting. The same process applies to shredded coconut, with approximately 100g yielding the flavor equivalent of a 50cl can of coconut milk. The video concludes by mentioning the availability of delicious coconut milk recipes.

Github repositories

  • rogerpadilla/nukak

    Nukak is a powerful and versatile ORM (Object Relational Mapping) tool designed for TypeScript. It offers features such as type-safe and context-aware queries, support for various databases including PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, and MongoDB, and seamless integration with different platforms like Node.js, Browser, Cordova, Ionic, and more. Nukak combines the best elements of OOP and FP, supports declarative and imperative transactions, and provides transparent support for inheritance between entities. It also boasts high performance and supports features like soft-delete, virtual fields, and repositories. To get started, install the core package and the specific adapter for your chosen database.

  • actuallymentor/battery

    Battery Charge Limiter for Apple Silicon Macbook Devices is a free and open-source tool that allows users to maintain their Apple Silicon Macbooks at 80% battery charge, which helps prolong the battery's lifespan. It offers various installation options, including through brew, downloading the app dmg version, or command-line installation. The tool discharges the battery when it exceeds 80% charge and disables charging until it falls below that threshold. The CLI version provides additional functionality for managing battery charging status. For support or contribution, users can open issues or contact the developer via Twitter.

  • justin-schroeder/arrow-js

    ArrowJS is a reactive JavaScript library that stands out for its small size, speed, and lack of dependencies. It offers reactivity without the need for a framework and does not use a Virtual DOM. With only three functions and no mandatory build tools, it aims to be easily accessible and highly performant. ArrowJS is considered experimental, so it's recommended to consult the documentation and show interest in its development by starring the package.