Effective Negotiation Strategies, git powered DNS management and EdgeDB

Summary of my bookmarked links and Github repositories from Jul 2nd, 2023


  • How you can ~1.5x your salary through negotiation

    This guide provides valuable insights on negotiation strategies to help you increase your salary. It covers various aspects, including handling the initial salary question, establishing a collaborative mindset, and overcoming common worries. The author emphasizes the importance of leveraging your position, even without competing offers, by focusing on factors like time, loss, and investment. The guide offers practical examples of dialogue for negotiating effectively, encouraging empathy and collaboration throughout the conversation. Additional tips, YouTube videos, and resources are provided for further assistance. Overall, it's a comprehensive and helpful resource for mastering negotiation skills.

Github repositories

  • edgedb/edgedb

    EdgeDB is a graph-relational database that combines the best features of relational databases, graph databases, and ORMs. It replaces tables with object types and links, making schema modeling more intuitive. The database supports a strict type system, indexes, constraints, computed properties, stored procedures, and additional features like link properties and JSON support. Its query language, EdgeQL, produces structured objects instead of rows, allowing easy fetching of related objects. EdgeDB is not just an ORM; it offers a complete database solution with a migrations system, client libraries, a command line tool, and upcoming cloud hosting capabilities. Resources for learning and getting started are provided, including a quickstart guide, an interactive tutorial, an illustrated e-book, and comprehensive documentation. Contributions are welcome, and the project is licensed under Apache 2.0.

  • pvinis/update-cloudflare-dns

    The "Update your Cloudflare DNS records automagically" repository provides a tool that allows automatic updating of Cloudflare DNS records. It now includes support for comments on each record. To use the tool, you can visit the template repository and click on the "Use this template" button. The repository explains the formatting of DNS records and provides examples for different record types such as A, AAAA, CNAME, HTTPS, and TXT. The tool uses HJSON as the configuration file format, and you can add comments and specify various parameters for each record. If you find the tool helpful, you can show your appreciation by buying the creator a pizza.