Dropping an iPhone 7 from Space and RedisOplog

Summary of my bookmarked videos and Github repositories from Nov 6th, 2016


  • Can an iPhone 7 Survive From a Space Drop Test? (100,000 FT)

    In this video, the YouTuber TechRax sends a brand new iPhone 7 sealed in its box into space using a weather balloon kit. The iPhone was recording throughout the experiment but shut off before reaching its target altitude of 100,000 ft. The iPhone traveled approximately 3 hours away due to a jet stream and took another 3 hours to retrieve. Despite some scratches and a dent, the iPhone surprisingly survived with a 53% charge and the recorded footage intact.

Github repositories

  • cult-of-coders/redis-oplog

    BlueLibs is a framework inspired by Meteor but with a modern twist. It offers RedisOplog, a re-implementation of Meteor's MongoDB oplog tailing that gives developers control over reactivity. The framework supports in-memory and customizable pubsub, not limited to Redis. RedisOplog can be incrementally adopted and integrated into existing Meteor projects. It provides configuration options for Redis and offers features like optimistic UI, fine-tuning reactivity, failover customization, and custom reactivity using Redis Vent. It also allows reactivity for outside mutations and offers premium support for scaling businesses.