Distinguish Real Experts from Fake Ones and Software Estimation Techniques

Summary of my bookmarked links from Oct 3rd, 2023


  • How to tell if someone’s full of shit.

    This article provides six strategies for distinguishing real experts from fake experts: 1. **Look at their past results:** Assess their track record and past performance in the field. 2. **Look at their reputation:** Consider their reputation in the industry, but be cautious as reputations can sometimes be inflated. 3. **Ask their peers about them:** Seek opinions from other experts in the same field. 4. **Talk to them:** Engage in conversations to evaluate their knowledge and expertise. 5. **Give them a test task:** If applicable, provide a task related to their role to gauge their skills. 6. **Conduct a "thinking audit":** Analyze their thought process and mental models to assess their reasoning and problem-solving abilities. These strategies can help you identify genuine experts, even if you're not an expert in the field yourself.

  • 5 of the Best Software Estimation Techniques (and 4 to Avoid)

    This article discusses the importance of software estimation techniques for project success, especially in SaaS companies. It highlights five useful estimation methods: Planning Poker for collaboration, Three-Point Method for uncertainty, PERT Estimation for complex projects, Analogous Estimation for historical data, and LSU Method for task categorization. The article also mentions problematic techniques like T-shirt sizing, Bucket system, Affinity mapping, and Dot voting due to subjectivity. It advocates the use of AI-powered prediction models for more accurate estimates and predicts that AI will play a significant role in project planning. Embracing AI is seen as crucial for staying competitive in the future of software engineering.