Discover Quick Look Plugins and Simplify GUI App Installation with Homebrew Cask

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Feb 27th, 2015

Github repositories

  • sindresorhus/quick-look-plugins

    Quick Look plugins Awesome is a comprehensive list of useful Quick Look plugins for developers. The installation process is provided, either via Homebrew or manual download. The plugins include QLColorCode for previewing source code files with syntax highlighting, QLStephen for previewing plain text files, QLMarkdown for previewing Markdown files, QuickLookJSON for previewing JSON files, qlImageSize for displaying image size and resolution, Suspicious Package for previewing Apple installer package contents, Apparency for previewing macOS app contents, QuickLookASE for previewing Adobe ASE Color Swatches, QLVideo for previewing video files, and more. Additional plugins like Peek, ProvisionQL, QuickLookAPK, quicklook-pat, WebP, and SourceCodeSyntaxHighlight are also mentioned. The plugins are free to use under the CC0 license.

  • Homebrew/homebrew-cask

    Homebrew Cask is an extension of Homebrew that simplifies the installation and management of GUI macOS applications. It offers a CLI workflow for administering macOS applications distributed as binaries. With Homebrew Cask, you can easily install applications like Visual Studio Code and Google Chrome by running a single command. The website provides documentation, guidelines for contributing, bug reporting instructions, and guides for common issues. It also encourages users to join GitHub discussions and provides friendly support channels. Homebrew Cask is licensed under the BSD 2 Clause (NetBSD) license.