DevOps Criticism, Code Editors and macOS in Docker

Summary of my bookmarked links and Github repositories from Jun 17th, 2023


  • DevOps is Bullshit

    The article criticizes the current state of DevOps, stating that it has devolved into a division and tunnel vision. It argues that most teams either have a separate DevOps team that performs menial tasks or engineers are burdened with operations work, which hampers their ability to focus on building the product and adding value. The author suggests that organizations should move towards platform engineering and enabling developer self-service instead of relying on traditional DevOps practices. They emphasize the need for knowledge silos, expertise, and a great internal developer platform that is extendable, anti-lock-in, secure, and enables experimentation.

  • The Best Code Editor War is Over

    This article discusses three popular editors used by programmers: Sublime Text, Atom, and Vim. Sublime Text is praised for its intuitive GUI, rich packages, and lightweight nature, making it suitable for beginners. Atom, developed by GitHub, offers similar features but requires more customization for optimal use. Vim, a command-line editor, relies on keyboard commands for operation and is favored by those who value efficiency and future server work. Although it requires more learning, Vim's commands can greatly enhance productivity.

Github repositories

  • sickcodes/Docker-OSX

    Docker-OSX is a project that enables running Mac OS X in a Docker container with near-native performance. It offers features like X11 Forwarding, iMessage security research, and working iPhone USB. The project has a Discord server and Telegram group where users can ask questions and share ideas. The website provides instructions for running different versions of Mac OS X in Docker containers, including Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, and more. Additionally, it offers resources for optimizing the container's performance and sharing directories. The project is maintained by Sick.Codes and gives credits to other contributors.