Developer Tools & How to Negotiate with Ransomware Gangs

Summary of my bookmarked links, videos, and Github repositories from Jan 5th, 2024


  • The database for developers

    PlanetScale offers a MySQL-compatible database with impressive scalability, performance, and reliability. It introduces features like horizontal sharding, non-blocking schema changes, and seamless data replication across regions. With branchable schemas, read-only regions, and zero downtime imports, it provides a developer-friendly experience. PlanetScale's DevOps-friendly Deploy Requests enable schema deployment without locking or downtime. The platform's unique Data Branches™ allow database branching, eliminating the need for staging environments. Intelligent monitoring ensures real-time insights into performance without relying on third-party applications. Customers praise PlanetScale for delivering a predictable and powerful database solution.


  • 37C3 - Hirne hacken: Hackback Edition

    In this talk, Linus Neumann and Kai Biermann shed light on negotiating with ransomware gangs, drawing from their experiences dealing with various cases. They debunk myths surrounding gang tactics and highlight effective protective measures. The speakers share insights into the game-theoretical mechanics of negotiation situations using real examples, including a case where a ransomware attacker targeted a Finnish therapy center. The story unfolds with twists, demonstrating the amateur and professional aspects of cyber extortion. The presentation emphasizes the importance of proactive cybersecurity measures and dispels misconceptions about dealing with ransomware threats.

Github repositories

  • slidevjs/slidev

    Slidev is a developer-friendly presentation tool with features like Markdown support, live coding, theming, and LaTeX equations. It offers interactive elements, presenter mode, and the ability to export slides into various formats. Powered by Vite and Vue 3, it supports a tech stack including UnoCSS, Prism, Shiki, and more. The project is sponsored and available under the MIT License. Explore the NPM version, documentation, and demo for a stylish, fast, and hackable presentation experience. Visit to try it online or initiate the project locally with Node.js.

  • shuding/nextra

    Nextra Framework: Nextra is a robust site generation framework that seamlessly incorporates beloved features from Next.js. With a focus on simplicity and flexibility, it employs PNPM Workspaces and Turborepo. Installation is hassle-free using pnpm install, and building the core and theme is straightforward. Debugging is simplified with local website testing, providing instant re-renders for changes in examples/docs. Make development smoother with watch modes for layout and style adjustments. Explore Nextra: Documentation.

  • shadcn-ui/ui

    shadcn-ui: Accessible and Customizable ComponentsExplore beautifully designed components at This open-source project offers accessible and customizable components for seamless integration into your apps. With a MIT license, these components are free to use. Check the documentation at The repository boasts 40.6k stars, 2.1k forks, and is actively maintained, featuring a variety of releases. Great for building your own component library