Debunking Myths of yeast and Unveiling the New Era of Rapid Content Delivery

Summary of my bookmarked links from Mar 12th, 2023


  • Hefe vermehren – Mythen und Fakten

    The blog post provides information about yeast biology and dispels myths surrounding yeast propagation. It emphasizes the importance of understanding different yeast species, particularly baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), which is commonly used for baking and alcohol production. The post explains how yeast reproduces through budding and requires optimal conditions, including a suitable environment, nutrients like glucose and nitrogen, and hygiene for pure culture propagation. It then debunks several myths related to yeast propagation methods, such as using only sugar, creating homemade yeast cubes, continuous refreshing of yeast starters, potato yeast, and beer-based starters. The post concludes by mentioning reliable methods like using fresh yeast sediment from brewing or utilizing young active yeasts from freshly fermented beverages like Federweißer for bread making.

  • The Emerging Paradigms for Delivering Content Faster

    This article explores the concepts of caching static and dynamic content using CDNs (Content Delivery Networks) and edge computing. It highlights the shift from Server-Side Rendering (SSR) to Client-Side Rendering (CSR) and introduces Static Site Generation (SSG) as a method of prerendering HTML content at build time. The benefits of SSG, such as faster Time to First Byte (TTFB) and improved performance metrics, are discussed. The article also explains Incremental Static Site Generation (iSSG) and its advantages. It then delves into the role of CDNs in optimizing content delivery and introduces the concept of edge computing, which brings computing logic and data closer to end users. The potential benefits and downsides of edge computing are explored, emphasizing its growing importance in delivering dynamic content and processing IoT data. The article concludes by recommending developers to explore CDNs and basic edge computing to enhance performance, security, and cost-effectiveness.