Control Infrared Motion Sensor Switch with Homebridge using homebridge-infrared-motion-sensor-gpio Plugin

Summary of my bookmarked Github repositories from Nov 2nd, 2017

Github repositories

  • Killerameise/homebridge-infrared-motion-sesnor-gpio

    The homebridge-contact-sensor is a plugin for Homebridge that allows you to control an infrared motion sensor switch. To set it up, you need to wire an infrared motion sensor to your Raspberry Pi and install the plugin using npm. After renaming the sample-config.json file to config.json, you can integrate your sensor into the accessories array. Keep in mind that controlling the Raspberry Pi's pins requires root rights, so you should save your config file under /root/.homebridge/config.json. If you're already using homekit with other apps, you can add the accessories to your existing config.json and move the file accordingly. An example of the accessory JSON configuration is provided.