Choosing Between MongoDB and PostgreSQL, Microservice Frameworks and Web Page Conversions

Summary of my bookmarked links and Github repositories from Nov 16th, 2021


  • Should I Use MongoDB or PostgreSQL?

    This article discusses the key features, functionality, and use cases of two popular databases, MongoDB and PostgreSQL. MongoDB is a schema-free document-oriented store that processes data as JSON documents, making it useful for storing flexible data fields. It utilizes BSON, a serialization format that enhances query performance. MongoDB also offers ACID support for multi-document transactions. On the other hand, PostgreSQL is a free and open-source SQL-based RDBMS that uses traditional syntax and schema. It is ideal for transactional workflows and is commonly used in banking, business intelligence, and manufacturing systems. The choice between MongoDB and PostgreSQL depends on the specific requirements of the project, with MongoDB offering flexibility and PostgreSQL providing security and scalability.

  • Why our development teams don’t use microservice frameworks

    The article discusses the drawbacks of relying on frameworks like Spring Boot in certain contexts, using the example of Dynatrace. While frameworks provide initial efficiency and simplicity in building complex solutions, they can lead to a loss of control and understanding of the architecture. Dynatrace opts for a purpose-built microservice framework called "spine-commons" that allows developers to comprehend the underlying connections and maintain code over time. The article emphasizes the importance of educating developers and actively managing dependencies to ensure maintainable codebases. Ultimately, it suggests that using frameworks should be context-dependent, considering the long-term benefits of taking a more hands-on approach.

Github repositories

  • danburzo/percollate

    Percollate is a command-line tool that converts web pages into beautifully formatted PDF, EPUB, HTML, or Markdown files. It can be installed globally from npm and requires Node.js 14.17.0 or later. The tool offers various commands such as producing PDF, EPUB, HTML, or Markdown files. It supports options like customizing output paths, using custom CSS stylesheets and HTML templates, generating covers and table of contents, and more. Percollate utilizes components like Readability and Puppeteer for its functionality, and it has some limitations inherited from them. Contributions to the project are welcome, and there are other similar projects to explore as well.