Boost Productivity, Collaboration, and Security with GitHub's Power

Summary of my bookmarked links from Dec 21st, 2022


  • How we use GitHub to be more productive, collaborative, and secure

    GitHub Universe 2022 featured a talk by GitHub, where they shared some numbers showcasing the work of their engineering and security teams. GitHub staff made millions of commits across internal repositories, processed billions of API requests daily, and ran tens of thousands of production deployments. They highlighted the impact of two cloud-powered experiences: Codespaces, which provides a faster and more efficient local development environment, and GitHub Copilot, an AI-powered tool that enhances developer productivity and satisfaction. GitHub also emphasized the importance of collaboration through tools like Issues, projects, and code search. Additionally, they emphasized the need to prioritize security by incorporating multi-factor authentication and using tools like CodeQL to ensure the integrity of the software supply chain. Overall, GitHub's aim is to create a platform that enables developers to be more productive, collaborative, and secure while fostering creativity and happiness.