7 Billion Dollar Open Source Empire

Summary of my bookmarked links from Jan 4th, 2023


  • A Programmer Turned an Open Source Tool Into a $7,500,000,000 Empire

    Matt Mullenweg, the founder of WordPress.com, embarked on a remarkable journey to create a platform that empowers bloggers. With a passion for open-source software and blogging, Matt turned down job offers from tech giants to retain his intellectual property rights. He collaborated with Mike Little to fork the b2 cafelog code and created WordPress.org. The platform gained popularity due to its simplicity and hackability, attracting a vibrant community of developers and bloggers. Matt later founded Automattic and launched WordPress.com, offering easy hosting for non-developers. Despite a tempting $200 million acquisition offer, Matt chose to continue building WordPress, which now powers 40% of websites globally.